Silken Sands Conference

The Silken Sands Conference was wonderful! I spent time with agents, editors, and authors. The list of things that I learned could go on forever, but I know that you don’t want to hear about that. The beach was very inspirational and we even had our pitch sessions outside. It was hard to be nervous with the sound of the waves in the background.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed, sent good vibes, or any other positive energy my way. IT WORKED! We were only alloted two pitch sessions but thanks to the sun and a fair complexioned editor, I was able to pitch to three wonderful ladies. I received two requests for the first three chapter and a request for the full manuscript. For those of you who haven’t been through this, that means they are wanting to know more about my story. Please keep the prayers heading my way as these ladies hold my baby in their hands.

Now I knew that I was going to meet a lot of new people, and I knew that I would make new friends, but this one lady stands out from the rest. Jamie Farrell (click her name for her blog) and I met when I handed her a frog that was in the “goodie room.” This is a story for another day but suffice it to say that it was an ice breaker. She has the most cheerful personality and makes everything more fun. I really look forward to seeing her again.

I want to thank the ladies at the GCC for making my first conference so fun and memorable. I had a great time and can’t wait for our next one in 2012!


Now it’s your turn. How did you like the conference? What was your favorite part? And for those of you who didn’t attend, tell us about a meeting on the beach. Whether it was a stranger or a group of your friends, tell us about your fun.

Published in: on March 22, 2010 at 1:29 AM  Comments (10)  
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My baby(WIP) is growing up!

Writing is like giving birth. Yes, you’ve probably heard that before. It takes a lot of pain to make something beautiful, but it is worth all the pain. This post is not about the writing process, though. What happens when your baby is all grown up and ready to head out into the world?

As you may know, I am leaving today for the Silken Sands Writers Conference at Pensacola Beach, Florida. I will be presenting my baby to an agent and an editor. These wonderful ladies have done this many times, but not with my baby.

My heart is pounding just thinking of what’s coming. I know my baby is ready for this, but that doesn’t make a mom any less anxious. What if they don’t like him/her? What if they try to change my baby into someone that I don’t recognize? Or the biggest anxiety, what if my baby does fine all on its own?

Okay, that last one might have some of you scratching your head. That is my biggest anxiety because then it will be out of my hands. I will get to give advice but the mothering is over.

Alright enough of this, here it is in plain English. Anxiety and excitement go hand in hand. I am afraid of the unknown, but it also gives me what can only be described as a rush of excitement. At this point, I’m not sure if I am shaking like a leaf from nerves or from the thrill. I want this so bad that I can’t stand it. I am ready!

Whoa, I am ready? Wow, just saying that made it clear. The excitement is definitely overwhelming the nerves. I will let you all know how it goes. Please keep me in mind.

Published in: on March 18, 2010 at 3:33 AM  Comments (7)  
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