Not How I Remembered Them

Yesterday, I decided to give my son an education on great music. I pulled up YouTube and searched for some old favorites. To my surprise, they weren’t what I remembered.

The songs were still great. The hunks, not so much. The guys that my heart used to go pitter-patter for are not so hot. They were thin and looked like they were on MAJOR drugs. Why did I think they were hot?

Yes, I know that as I get older, my tastes have changed. The hunks of yesteryear now look like drugged-out punks. This scares me. If my taste in men has changed that much in the past 10 years, what’s another 10 gonna do to me? Will I still think a muscular chest and six-pack is sexy? If not, what WILL I think sexy is?

My real question: Will I still love the hero that I write about now? My characters are a part of me, like family, so the answer is YES. I may picture them a little differently in 10 years, but they will always be MINE. That’s on of the great things about books, your imagination is the only limit.

So, how have your tastes changed? When you look back on your teenage heart-throb, what do you see?

Published in: on May 26, 2010 at 8:00 AM  Comments (5)  
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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Bwahaha, I actually blogged about this last year. When I was much younger, Duran Duran held all of my starry-eyed puppy love. As I grew older, my heartthrobs became more…manly and hairier. Of course, now my main man is Gerard Butler *growls*, but it’s so funny to look back at who I used to have a crush on and think, ‘What the hell???? Did I really think men who wear a lot of make-up were hot?’

  2. For me, when I go back and read something my younger self wrote I find that I still love these characters but think they are a little immature. I guess they didn’t have the opportunity to grow up with me because we always end their stories with “and they lived happily ever after.” Plus when I was immersed in them I was a different person so they were directly affected by that. I like to think if I were to go back and visit them now in a new work I would be amazed at how they have changed. How much they have grown up.

    Now I am off to you tube to check out some of my old faves. But you can bet Jon Bon Jovi will still make my heart go pitter patter.

  3. Oh, my gosh! When I think about the guys (not even necessarily the celebrities) I used to crush on…geez, what was I thinking? LOL! Thank goodness tastes change, huh?

  4. Danica, oooo Duran Duran. OK, now I have to go YouTube them. LOL

    Kelly, it’s interesting to think about what happens with our characters after we type “the end.”

  5. And I toughht I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.

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